Allison Cavallo


Allison Cavallo


I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA (GO STEELERS). Married 25 years to my high school sweetheart & love of my life. As a military family, we moved around. Our first trip to Houston Co., GA was in 1993- my husband, (Gary) was stationed at Robins, AFB until 1996. We relocated to Dayton, OH until-1999 (at Wright-Patterson AFB), but got the chance to return to GA and grabbed it.


We moved back to Houston Co. in 1999. Bought a home; raised two beautiful daughters (Kaylyne & Britany), both Houston County graduates. My husband retired in 2009. I finished by degree, earned a Master's in 2011, and began my teaching career. Full time jobs were few then, so I took a job in WV from 2012-2015. In Brooke County, West Virginia I taught senior English and functioned as the head Media Specialist earning my specialist from Marshall University. I returned to Houston Co. in Sept. 2015 and began teaching here at Perry Middle School. 


I currently teach 8th Grade Special Education: English and Social Studies.  I also co-sponsor the PMS Photography Club with Mrs. Hundley.

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